Event Art Services
Chinese Calligraphy
Rainbow Calligraphy
上善若水/中堂 Calligraphy by Jessie Ren (200cm x ~83cm) 已被收藏,欢迎定制
Chinese Calligraphy on Traditional Wall Scroll (142cm x 40cm)
相见时难/条幅 Chinese Calligraphy by Jessie Ren (200cm x 50cm)
Chinese Calligraphy on Traditional Wall Scroll (98cm x 31cm)
诫子书/小中堂 “Book of Advice to Youth” Calligraphy by Jessie Ren (200cm x 55cm)
心经/中堂 “Heart Sutra” by Jessie Ren 行书 (200cm x ~83cm)
心经/中堂 “Heart Sutra” by Jessie Ren (200cm x ~83cm)
厚德载物/条幅/200cm x 48cm/欢迎定制
陋室铭/中堂 "Inscription on a Humble Home" Calligraphy by Jessie Ren (200cm x 77cm)
R1: Rainbow Calligraphy for 1 Name (Large)
Chinese Calligraphy with Fortune Pictures on Rice Paper Wall Scroll (Small)
R17: Couple's Name in Rainbow Calligraphy on Scroll
愛蓮說/中堂 "On Loving the Lotus" Calligraphy by Jessie Ren (200cm x ~83cm)
厚德载物/中堂 Chinese Calligraphy by Jessie Ren (200cm x 65cm)